by Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 19, 2019 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors
Wellness for Women Entrepreneurs
As women entrepreneurs, we are focused on our calling and our passion. We have taken our God-given vision and with grace and elbow grease, we are making it work!
Performance Pressures Hinder Wellness
Let’s be honest, though—there are times when we get frustrated and discouraged. This entrepreneur journey is hard. And it’s not the only “performance” pressure we have in our lives. Relationships, parenting, friendship, and being a business leader all require our energy and effort to successfully maintain.
Personally, I sometimes struggle to stay encouraged and motivated when things aren’t unfolding the way I want them to. When I started out, there were times I felt I just couldn’t keep up. There was often no more “go” in my “get up and go”.
How do we get unstuck? How do we manage when we’ve lost sight of the horizon? How do we press on when discouragement lurks?

Wellness Checks: We are Multi-dimensional!
God wants us to be holy and blessed in every aspect of our lives.
And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.
—Mark 10:52
A huge portion of His ministry included healing and restoring people to wholeness.
We are spirit, soul, and body. Whenever I feel super stuck, I check in within these three dimensions. What’s going on in my body? Is my soul getting what it needs? Am I neglecting something regarding my spirit?
Check Your Physical Wellness
- Sleep
- Our physical and physiological needs cannot be overlooked. Just like a toddler gets grumpy without enough sleep, our bodies and personalities are also compromised. Are we going to bed at a healthy time? Are we getting quality sleep? I can no longer go to bed with my iPad, iPhone, or laptop.
- Turn off your devices, including the TV. Put your head on the pillow, and close your eyes. If needed, put a pen and paper by the bed for those lists that rush in when your head hits the pillow.
- Nutrition
- When I get busy or excited about something I am working on, I will put off eating. And put it off. And put it off. Then, I am starving and eat a big, poorly chosen meal at the end of the day. Take it from experience, this is not healthy. Eating healthy and regularly is such an important factor to our mood, energy level, and brain function.
- Your body is trying to tell you what it needs when you feel hungry. It’s important you listen. That 3 p.m. energy slump with brain fog can be easily managed with a healthful snack.
- Hormones
- We are all women here, and let’s be real. To deny that hormones play a part in our bodies is naive. I know I have one or two crazy days when I feel really down and out. I don’t need medication; I need to be gentle with myself and aware of the pattern. For me, I know it will pass.
- Take a month and recognize when your mood swings to places you are not so fond of. Depending on your age and health, it may take more medical investigation. However, be encouraged; it’s totally manageable.
- Movement
- I know, I know. We hear it all the time. Exercise makes you feel better. And we aren’t talking marathon training!
- Did you know a 20-minute walk every day can help improve clarity and boost creativity? And a pace a little faster than a stroll can clear your head, wake up your body, and renew your energy.
Check Your Soul Wellness
Your soul can also be thought of as your heart, mind, will, and emotions. It’s the place where your spirit meets your decision-making process. Your soul finds peace and strength when you listen to the Spirit.
- Desires
- Sometimes, we ignore the desires of our hearts, and everything gets off kilter. We get disheartened.
- Checking in on your heart’s desire with prayer and listening can help ease discouragement.
- Positivism
- Thankfulness can transform a negative attitude into a positive one. Our soul is also influenced by the people around us—negative and positive alike.
- Selectively listen to those who speak into your life! Increase the positive influences and uplifting voices in your life.
Check Your Spiritual Wellness
Our spirit is that holy part inside where God dwells and communicates with us. Having an active and intentional spiritual life produces spiritual health. It is where we find the strength to keep going when we feel we can’t take another step.
- Prayer
- It requires conversation and listening to be a good friend, a good wife, or a good mother. The same is true with God. Prayer is the conversation. Quiet time is not just about reading and praying; it’s also about listening to what God is saying.
- Prayer can happen at any time. It doesn’t just have to be the 20 minutes you set aside in the morning before the kids get up. It can be part of your daily walk or in the shower.
- Find exhortation and encouragement from God’s Word.
I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
—Philippians 4: 2–9
- Worship
- Worship is similar to prayer in that you can do it anytime, anywhere.
- Worship is the singing we do. It includes the little moments when we take the time to recognize what a great and amazing God we have. It encompasses noticing the stunning clouds on a stormy day. It embraces appreciating the luxuries we have in life and acknowledging that He is the source.
- Thankfulness
- Gratitude is a popular concept today. It is effective in creating a positive and appreciative life view.
- It is also a great way to remind yourself of all the wondrous things in your life by taking the time to recognize and thank God for them.

Walk in Love
. . . be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
—Ephesians 5:18-21
Those moments of feeling like giving up will come. But, before we make up our mind to quit, we need to check in with the most important parts of ourselves and our God-given purpose!
Are there things you do to help keep moving forward?
What tips do you have for making progress when you feel stuck?
I’d love to hear from you!

Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at .
by Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 18, 2019 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors, Writing & Publishing
YOU are Creative; Yes, You Are!
Creativity is an essential part of building your business. It can also be one of the most daunting tasks. I have heard so many people say, “But I’m not creative.” Oh, yes, you are!
YOU are creative; YES, YOU ARE!
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. —Genesis 2:7
And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” —Genesis 2:23

You are Creative—Creativity is part of your Divine Design.
Creativity was not passed out to others in the creativity line while you were in the wrong line. Creativity is a gift to all God’s children. It is inherent in your design. We are all created in the image of God. God literally breathed His life into man as the crowning glory of creation.
Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. —Jeremiah 32:17
The God of the universe—the God who created the heavens and the earth and all things in, around, about, and under the earth breathed life into you. His creative essence is part of your divine design. It is not a gift handed out to just the painters or sculptors. It is a gift for every living being who is a temple of the Holy Ghost.
You are Creative—You have the creative power of the Creator.
The creative power of the Creative One dwells in you constantly. All we need do is ask for the power that works within us to help us accomplish the tasks set before us.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. —Ephesians 3:20
Creativity is defined as the “quality of being creative” or “the ability to create.” Now, before you write yourself off thinking you are not creative by definition, let’s consider what creativity encompasses.
Problem solving is a creative task. Communicating your ideas clearly to be understood is a creative endeavor. Decorating your home, baking, cooking, organizing your shoe collection, keeping the family schedule—these are all tasks which require creativity. If you can figure out how to get three different kids in four places at the same time, trust me, you are creative!
You are Creative—You are a well of Creativity.
You are in touch with an unlimited creative resource. Just prime your creative pump and get those divine ideas flowing! The more you exercise creativity, the more creative you will become.
Take some time to consider: in which ways are you traditionally creative and in which ways are you non-traditionally creative?

You are Creative—A blessing for Creativity.
As you consider your creativity, may God bless you with being in tune with the creative design of the Creator in all you see. May God bless you with knowing His creative breath lives and flows through you; you can ask for that which you lack and He will answer your prayers.

Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at .
by Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 7, 2019 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors, Writing & Publishing
7 Steps For Getting Creatively Unstuck!
Getting creatively stuck happens. However, it doesn’t have to happen. You don’t have to sit with your head in your hands, pulling out your hair while you struggle with writer’s block. Get creatively unstuck!
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3 ESV
The Lord is faithful. He is merciful toward us. Jesus said, “Ask, knock, seek.” When you are creatively stuck, get yourself lined up with the Creator. Start with these creative pump-priming ideas!
1. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Pray It Out.
It may seem like a strange thing to do when you need to be creative, but Paul encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). It would stand to reason that since we should be praying all the time, we can pray about everything that comes up in our lives, in our businesses, or in our days. Take a few minutes, focus your mind and energy, and pray about the task that needs your creative attention.
2. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Be still.
We are busy. We glorify busy. This is the hard one for me—Mrs. Type-A! Theologian Dallas Willard said, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” Slow down. Stand still. Pray and listen to what the Lord is saying to you. He will prompt you toward a solution to your problems, even if that problem is that you feel creatively stuck.

Now therefore stand still and see this great thing that the Lord will do before your eyes.
1 Samuel 12:16
3. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Seek out inspiration.
One of my favorite ways to get inspired is to go looking for it. Sometimes, inspiration is found in the way the sunlight comes through the trees in my yard. Sometimes, inspiration is discovered while browsing through posts on Pinterest. Sometimes, it is gleaned from looking up scripture and asking the question, “What does the Bible say about…?”
The right inspiration will get you unstuck every time, but you must have an open mind to see what is staring you in the face.
4. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Open your mind to a different idea.
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtains guidance.
Proverbs 1:5
Often when we get stuck creatively, it is because we have set our minds on a certain idea, solution, or plan. This scripture is great because it describes what the wise do—they hear and increase learning. This implies the wise are listening. Getting unstuck may require you to talk out your problem, listen to other solutions, or listen to ideas that seem contrary to yours. In addition to listening, seek to understand. It is in the listening and the understanding where learning and guidance prevail.
5. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Talk it out.
There is nothing like a good brainstorming or brain-dumping session. You can do this on your own by just writing down every idea, solution, or problem that comes to mind. Or, you can do it with a group of people. No answer is judged. Some of my best ideas have been sparked by someone else’s outrageous or impossible input. You never know what will inspire or set off a chain of thoughts that lead right to the answer you need.
6. Getting Creatively Unstuck—Reflect and remember.
Take a quick moment and reflect on the ways God has come through for you when you have felt creatively dry or stuck. What happened? What did you do? What did God do for you? Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness and the fact He cares for all aspects of your life.

7. A Prayer for Getting Creatively Unstuck
Lord Jesus, thank You for telling me great and hidden things as I call on You for answers. Thank You for answering as I ask, seek, and knock regarding my creative ability. Lord, show me the steps You would have me take to release the creative talents you have blessed me with as part of my divine design. Let me only say and do what You, Jesus, would say and do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Interested in knowing more about creativity or growing your business? Want to touch base with other women just like you?
Join us at the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs.
Dive deep with your questions and get helpful and constructive answers when you need them.

Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at .
by Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 7, 2019 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors, Marketing & Monetization
Taking Time to Love Your Business
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:17
Love is in the air! Just like every February. This year, why not show some love to your business? Try out these suggestions to help your business grow.

Send personal notes to your clients.
You might not have the type of business where you can send a personal note to each customer; if that’s the case, you can pick out a strategic few. Consider how much more of an impact you can have if the note is handwritten. Keep it short and personal. Think of it as a professional “Valentine” for your clients and customers.
Reach out with a handwritten inquiry to a new contact.
Who is the one person you’ve wanted to contact and start building a relationship? This is a networking contact that has the potential to show your business love and for whom you can reciprocate. Send a personal and specific handwritten note introducing yourself and offering value to your contact. Spend some time creating your letter. Don’t forget to politely request a response or offer a specific time you will follow-up.
Use this short month to accomplish that “to-do” you keep pushing back.
Boy, do I need this one! The list grows! We all have that thing on our to-do list we push back from month to month. Use these 28 days to get it done. Focus on the fact that you only have this month to finish it, and finally cross it off the list!
Invest in yourself to grow your biz.
You can’t do it all by yourself. Now, we superwomen can do a lot, but there are some things you just need help with. Take some time to determine a good way to invest in yourself or in your business to help it grow. Maybe you should commit to a coaching program, or perhaps your investment should be in a virtual assistant to help free up your time. You know what area of your business needs some love better than anyone.

Take some time off to recharge.
Entrepreneurs tend to work all the time. So, it is very important we schedule time off to rest and recharge. Taking a little time off for self-care can open up the creative flow again. Rest can actually make you more productive and more creative. Consider taking a break when your ideas are starting to feel stale.
Schedule a brainstorming session.
If you are stuck and not coming up with new ideas or the next steps on how to grow your business, schedule a session with some trusted business women. Brainstorming sessions should focus on collecting as many ideas as possible without filtering and without judging. Once you get a list, you can discuss which idea will work best for you. You can also use a brainstorming session to help devise an implementation plan for an idea you already have.
You know your business better than anyone. You know where it needs a little TLC and what is going well. Take some time to give yourself and/or your business a little extra love this month. It will help enhance your clarity, improve your creativity, and invigorate your purpose.

Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at .
by Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 7, 2019 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors
Overcoming Entrepreneurial Overwhelm!
“There are very few certainties that touch us all in this mortal experience, but one of the absolutes is that we will experience hardship and stress at some point.”
—James Dobson
…BUT why does this stress have to be so exacerbated during the holidays?
I love this time of year! Not only is everything beautifully decorated and oh-so romantic with lights, music, and the smells of the holiday season; it is also a time to look back on the year and evaluate successes and challenges and to look at accomplished goals and places where I fell short of my dreams.
During that self-evaluation process, I am sure not to judge myself too harshly—after all, life does happen, and even with my best intentions things just don’t always come together as planned. Fortunately for us, the Lord directs our steps.
Proverbs 16:9 states, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
God’s answer is the real power that shapes events and enables me to give the right answer and take the right steps.

Another part of my evaluation process involves looking at how I felt while accomplishing my goals. This might not seem relevant, but being frustrated, overwhelmed, or disorganized while trying to make things happen can actually keep them from happening!
One of the reasons I like looking at my goals around Christmas and New Year’s is because this is one of the busiest times of year. Having a lot to do in a little bit of time and the stresses that surround the season may lead to a renewal of those feelings that kept me from achieving my goals. So, when I start to feel that oh-so-familiar overwhelm and frustration, I can focus on solutions for my next set of goals.
When I look at my goals and the never-ending to-do list, I will do a few things differently this time to help soothe that sense of “oh-my-how-will-I-ever-get-this-done” panic. Let’s work on these together this season!
Get Organized
Find something that works for you, and stick to it. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. Use a spreadsheet or an online project management tool. Basecamp works for me, but there are many others available. Just keep it simple. Your time-organizing project should not take more time to construct than it takes to complete the items on your to-do list (talking to myself, here!).
Schedule, Schedule, Schedule
This is one of the most underrated and under-observed skills. Create a quarter or a year’s worth of goals and put a realistic timeline on them. You can’t make your life and business dreams come true by wishing. There has to be a concrete plan. Part of that plan includes putting firm deadlines on your goals. Making those timelines and each action step concrete will be a huge help in limiting overwhelm while achieving your goals. After all, it is often procrastination that makes us feel pressure to complete things, which leads to stress, overwhelm, and frustration.
Work Through & Celebrate Your POWER-HOUR!
Blocking off 15, 30, 45 minutes or an hour to focus on one specific task has worked well for me. Set a time, power through the hour, and see how much you can accomplish! Celebrate what you have achieved rather than mourning over what you didn’t compete.
Hire Help
While it might seem weird to hire help during the holidays, it will help you keep up continuity in your business while you attend to all your holiday festivities. The absolute best way to achieve your goals is to get help. You can’t do it all by yourself. You need someone who can help shoulder the workload. You can outsource small stuff like research or reports. You can hire experts to manage your social media. You can contract with a freelance writer to keep up your blog posts and other writing. You can hire a virtual assistant to help with almost anything (thank you, Courtenay!). For busy moms, I suggest a housekeeper. You’d be surprised what a load that takes off (thanks, Lorena!).

Take some time to think about how you feel during this busy time of year and how those same feelings may carry over into other projects later in the year. Now, as you write your goals for the year, add in solutions for overcoming those difficult spots. Solutions may include:
- Taking a weekend retreat to pray, plan, and write your goals.
- Hiring help in the form of a VA, freelance writer, social media expert, or housekeeper.
- Setting realistic timelines on your goals, especially if you are working with a team.
- Planning on days off when you unplug and focus on things that are not your business.
Comment below with solutions you will write into your goals this next year to help you avoid overwhelm at the holidays and all year long! The Lord’s certain purpose and His answers will stand in spite of and in the midst of my plans. Don’t wait until you feel you are at the end of your rope!

Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at .