
(214) 449-6390

Rhema 3E Services by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Logo

Confident Writers Retreat
October 10-13 (Thursday-Sunday), 2024
Door County, WI


WI Retreat to Write Experience to follow the
October 4-6 (Friday-Sunday), 2024


Let Karen know if you want to enjoy some of the Festival with her family
at karenbourg@gmail.com!

Because you are called by the King of Kings as His precious daughter to “work as unto the Lord” as you strive to glorify Him and draw others unto Him in your ministry. AND because, like me, you love girl trips!

Confident Christian Women Writers

Confidently join us quarterly to co-write in a supportive and productive community of like-minded/hearted women who claim, “For the Lord will be (our) confidence and will keep (our) foot from being caught!” (Proverbs 3:26, NASB)
Includes a Thursday evening Mastermind Session you will not want to miss plus devotionals, prayer, 8 pomodoro writing sessions, writing & publishing coaching, fellowship, food, and fun.
For questions message me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/karenlindwallbourg or contact me by email at karenbourg@gmail.com.

October 10-13 (Thursday-Sunday), 2024 to follow the October 4-6 (Friday-Sunday), 2024 DOOR PENINSULA LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVALS

October 10-13 (Thursday-Sunday), 2024

Door County, WI

  • In Person in WISCONSIN
    • Thursday – Sunday
    • NEW!
      Day Passes will be available for those who live nearby and want to join us by the day Friday and/or Saturday
  • Online via Zoom. The Room link will be sent to you upon Registering.

WI Retreat to Write Experience to follow the October 4-6 (Friday-Sunday), 2024 DOOR PENINSULA LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVALS

Let Karen know if you want to enjoy some of the Festival with her family at karenbourg@gmail.com!

  • Click to REGISTER for the TOTAL Retreat to Write Experience – $299
  • Click to REGISTER for a Virtual Ticket – $49
  • Click to REGISTER for a 1 In-Person Day-Pass – $99



  • Join the Zoom Room. The Room link will be sent to you upon Registering.


  • Plan ahead toward attending within this Schedule:

Hi Ladies, I didn’t share much during our writing sessions, so I wanted to share my testimonial for our retreat.

During a discussion about the challenge of marketing the benefit of writing retreats, I commented that it’s almost impossible to articulate such a profound experience. In an instant, my sassy inner scribe squealed gleefully, “Challenge accepted!”

Yes, during the Retreat to Write event, I wrote, but more than that, I met Jesus. He quieted years of trauma, so now I sleep in peace for the first time in decades. Our gracious Jesus replaced my unrest with lifelong friends, so even if our paths never cross again, every sister in Christ left her unique imprint to live in my heart forever. I experienced the music, architecture, literature, food, and worship of a different world. Even though I live only about a thirteen-hour drive away, the minutia in the culture differences made each day a new discovery.

This is not to say that the promise or purpose of the retreat is divine healing, devoted friendships, or daily discovery. As amazing as Karen is, she has no secret itinerary to reproduce such experiences. But she prayerfully seeks and obeys the Lord to offer Him the stage to do what only He can.

So, have I accomplished my mission? Have I found the words to articulate what even I do not yet understand? Perhaps not, but just as Jesus works through Karen’s retreats, so it is with my words. I hope I have at least obediently and prayerfully set the stage for Jesus to tell you if it’s time to pack for your next Retreat to Write.  

-Valerie Riese