by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Dec 28, 2023 | Blog, Celebrate Life!
We want to be known. Recently I ordered some illustrations from an online app. The potential illustrators kept calling me “dear!” Ugh! I’m considering gently reaching out to them to say that most of us just want to be called by our name. It’s friendly. It’s polite. It can be intimate – I love it when my dear husband, Fred, calls me by name.
We want to be recognized. Years ago, when my young husband died after a four-year battle with three cancers, I called three godly men from my high school and college days to tell them how much I appreciated their examples and influence in my life. I wanted them to know that I chose a godly husband because of them. Do you know what I remember most about those phone calls? We hadn’t seen or heard from each other in years, but they recognized my voice before I could even announce myself fully or properly, much less dive into the depths of the conversation!
We want to be known. We want to be recognized.
We should in turn know and recognize others in our lives and let them know we care.
***How do you wish to be known and recognized today?
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Knows Us
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows us – we are His sheep, His children. He wants us to know Him so intimately that we immediately recognize His voice when He calls to us.
Parable of the Good Shepherd – Luke 10
… 2 But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
7 …Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
9 I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 … I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
11 “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. … 14 I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, 15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. [bold mine]
I Am the Good Shepherd
Jesus offered the fourth of His seven “I am” statements in John’s Gospel: “I am the good shepherd.” (John 10:11) Jesus is not merely a shepherd; He is the Good Shepherd—uniquely good, true, righteous, and faithful.
According to these verses, Jesus rightfully bears the Good Shepherd title because:
- He lays down His life for His sheep. The Good Shepherd stays with His sheep. He defends them. He even willingly dies in their place. Jesus leads us, His followers, with self-sacrificial love.
- He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. He knows us, His followers; and we know Him and hear and recognize His voice.
He knows you!
***How have you felt fully known by the Lord this season?
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Knows His Sheep
and His Sheep Know Him and Recognize His Voice:
We Belong to Him!
I had an amazing roommate all 4 years of college at Baylor. Caety was friendly and fun, beautiful and smart. I watched her walk across a campus of >8,000 students and she had a smile and greeting for everyone. She always called people by name and asked after them in some way that assured them that she knew who they were, and that she had listened to and remembered their last conversations! And in turn, so many people knew her and remembered her!
Jesus knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. As His sheep, His followers, we have a blessed opportunity for an intimate relationship with Jesus. He knows everything about us – he knows what we do, where we go, what we think, what we say, all that we long for, and all that we need. He knows the number of hairs on our head, and the number of days allotted to us in life. He searches us, and knows us. He sent His Son to lay down His life for us in order that we may also know Him.
In Psalm 139, David tells us God knows us (v1-6), He encompasses and surrounds us (v7–14), He created us (v15–18), and He tests us (v19–24)!
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
Hebrews 4:13, NASB
We want to be known. We want to be recognized. We should in turn know and recognize others in our lives and let them know we care. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows us – we are His sheep, His children. Jesus knows us fully – the good and the bad, yet “He is not ashamed or repulsed. Our sins and failings do not take Him by surprise. Our transgressions cannot diminish His love for us. In Christ, we are fully known and truly loved. We belong to Him, our Good Shepherd.” [2]
He wants us to know Him so intimately that we immediately recognize His voice when He calls to us. This doesn’t happen without some effort on our part!
Thank Him for knowing you and allowing you to know Him!
***What will you do today to intentionally and purposefully know the Lord?
Be Confident and Blessed,
Karen is the Founder of Karen Bourg Companies and the RHEMA Group (with her husband Fred). She works with Christian women as they confidently navigate their paths – in life, through trials, and as they serve the Lord by receiving insight [rhema] from the Lord within their God-given calling.
Confidently Navigating Our Paths in Life, through Trials, and as Entrepreneurs by Receiving Rhemas from the Lord

by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Dec 21, 2023 | Blog, Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors
Merry Christmas!
I am praying that this season is one of your most blessed Christmases.
I pray you feel God’s presence like never before. I pray you see Him in every endeavor. I pray your holidays are filled with faith, fun, fellowship, food and more.
Aren’t these emotional weeks? I hope you will give yourself permission to feel what you feel
- from childlike elation at the thought of spending Christmas with family, enjoying the food, loving the presents
- to feeling downright down because you’re missing loved ones, are overburdened and overwhelmed, and more.
It’s OK! I think everyone feels this way. I know I do!
***Take a moment this season to read through the book of Luke in the Bible, watch all those corny movies, and take care of yourself with vitamins or a spa day or just rest.
7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.
12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”
Luke 2:7-14 NASB

Know that my family and I lift you up in prayer often and especially during challenging seasons!
Praising God for Family & Friends!

I’m a Wellness Coach, so I pray you feel healthy and prosperous in all dimensions of wellness:
- Body – Physical
- Emotional
- Livelihood – Occupational
- Intellectual
- Environmental
- Family & Friends – Social, and
- Spiritual
especially as you enjoy family & friends over the Holidays!
I’m an introvert (somewhat) so I love time alone and quiet moments to reflect.
But I function as an extrovert up front and center most of the time
- as I frolic and fellowship with our rather large family, and
- as I lead Christian writers to gain confidence to be who God has called them to be and to do what He has called them to do.
This pendulum swing from introvert to extrovert requires a bit of self-coddling or self-care!
Thank you for being our lifelong family AND friends!
***Take care of YOU this week and reach out to someone you’ve lost a loving connection with and bless them this week!
From our family to yours:
“The Lord, bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lifts up his countenance on you, and give you peace.“
Numbers 6:24–26 NASB
Be Confident and Blessed,
Karen is the Founder of Karen Bourg Companies and the RHEMA Group (with her husband Fred). She works with Christian women as they confidently navigate their paths – in life, through trials, and as they serve the Lord by receiving insight [rhema] from the Lord within their God-given calling.
Confidently Navigating Our Paths in Life, through Trials, and as Entrepreneurs by Receiving Rhemas from the Lord

by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | May 2, 2022 | Biblical Counseling, Blog, Kingdom Coaching
“You are never not chasing something!”
Karen Lindwall-Bourg
- What are you chasing?
- And is it really necessary?
- Do you sometimes think, “This is nonsense!”?
- How do you decide what really takes priority in this fast-paced life we live?
- What could you chase that makes more ‘sense’?
Here’s the Chasing, Not Nonsense Scenario:
It’s Monday, the conference we are responsible for begins on Thursday. For my part, I have eight appointments today to bring this all together and make things happen! In the middle of all of that, I need to get our son Jeff to a physical therapy appointment and back as he has a cerebral palsy like neuromuscular disorder and cannot drive.
As we were driving off of the farm to get him to his appointment, we noticed that three of our cows and our bull are on someone else’s property close to the front road only 1/10 of a mile from the major highway! How do they do that?! All the while I’m thinking, “This is nonsense!”
(I actually wrote this in April 2017, and today April 2022 I repeated the experience all over again, so figured I should finish this blog and post it! – a moral of the story: Save what you’ve written and not posted, and write and publish at the prompting of the Holy Spirit!)
Not Nonsense Background Story:
I’m a city girl born and raised, transplanted to the country and farm life about 26 years ago when Fred and I, having been recently widowed, remarried and began blending our family of eight. Not that many years ago, I was still throwing 50 pound hay bales over my shoulder and helping cows and goats give birth in the middle of a field on a snowy evening. I’m not so good at that anymore!
When we first moved onto the property, as you can imagine, we were so ‘green’! We did a lot of nonsensical things. We bought donkeys – what a waste of breath; and we finally learned that the best protectors of our farm are hands down, our Gentle Giants, our Great Pyrenees! We tried to build a fence around our pond so the coyotes wouldn’t kill our ducks and then realized turtles were the true predators. We had fenced them in for the kill! We futilely chased farm animals around for hours when in reality the best practice was to drop feed where we wanted them to go and let them do the chasing! So much easier!
As luck would have it, Fred is at the airport trying to get on a plane to head to California and I’m out in the fields with a bucket of feed trying to entice the cows back home. They obviously don’t like me as much as they like him because they’re heading in the opposite direction! “This is nonsense!”
My Not Nonsense Point:
“You are never not chasing something!”
- What are you chasing?
- And is it really necessary?
- Do you sometimes think, “This is nonsense!”?
- How do you decide what really takes priority in this fast-paced life we live?
- Are you chasing after God? That’s Not Nonsense!
“You are never not chasing something!
SO, chase after God; chase after His Presence in your life!”
Karen Lindwall-Bourg
The Lord Wants You to Sensibly Chase:
- HIM – His Presence
- Others – He wants you to be with others who want to chase God with you!
- His Confidence, Blessings, Peace, Love, Rest
Chase Him
You are known in Heaven as a seeker of God. You chase after God and His Presence because He wants to be found by you. He loves it when you pursue Him because by chasing after His Presence in your life, you are also chasing abundance. C. S. Lewis called this being a “hound of heaven.“
- If you are called to counsel wisely, study God‘s Word, study biblical counseling precepts, receive wise counsel for yourself, prayerfully offer wise counsel to others.
(Join us at RHEMA 3E Services and (20+) Rhema Counseling Associates | Facebook )
- If you are called to write, start writing, go to Writing Retreats, meet other writers, worship, fellowship, get advice.
(Join our Writing Retreats at )
- If you are called to Christian Woman Entrepreneurship, ask God for your unique blueprint – for His Blueprint for your endeavor, research and read about entrepreneurship, join an online group for community and education and networking and missional focus, jump forward as God leads you.
[Join the National Association of Christina Women Entrepreneurs, (NACWE) est 2010] )
God has a unique calling for each of our lives. Chase that calling!
“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NASB
Pursue Him; chase Him.
“12 Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will restore your [i]fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’” Jeremiah 29:12-14 NASB
Call on Him, pray to Him, seek and search for Him with your whole heart. He will be found by you. He will be found by you. He will answer. Be assured,
He answers with Himself!
Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Troy Brewer says, “Today is a good day to pursue your destiny like a hound dog chasing a fox. Seek your Father in Heaven and when you do, He will reveal Himself to you.“ (from his book: Living Life.)
Chase after others who chase after Him:
He commands us to love others as He has loved us, and as they love others, they love us!
34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 NASB
The act of loving others is one of the most exhilarating gifts from the Lord. We feel excitement stirring in our spirit when we do something to make someone else feel loved and cared for. And Joyce Meyers calls this, “loving out loud.”
Think of three people you know who could really use a gesture of God’s love. Then think of creative ways you can express His love to these people—and do it! I guarantee you will feel a wonderful sense of fulfillment and joy afterward. It’s what makes our “world go ‘round” in our awesome online Groups!
Chase after His confidence, His blessings, His peace, His love, His rest:
Consider these verses.
- Be Confident: “For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:26 ESV This is our key theme for 2020 in NACWE!
- Be Blessed: “Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.” Psalm 2:12 ESV
- Have Peace: “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in every way.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV
- Be Loved: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:26 ESV
- Rest in Him: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 ESV
Challenge: Find other verses that encourage you to be confident, blessed, peaceful, loved, restful.
Join me to Chase after Him! The pursuit is not nonsense. It makes godly sense!
(20+) RHEMA 3E Services – Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Facebook
(20+) RHEMA 3E Services Group – Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Facebook
Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg

Karen started out in helping professions (Medical Technology, then Counseling) and quickly fell in love with the ins and outs of Entrepreneurship as she built her private practice and endeavors to 6-figures. She knows it can be lonely out here “on the entrepreneurial limb”! She knows what it takes to build community and to learn and network in an ever-changing field. She desires to pay-it-forward in a missional, working God’s way manner so others are blessed along the way!
She, along with husband Fred, is the Founder of RHEMA 3E Services @ . Their greatest desire is to Encourage, Empower & Equip you to be who God has called you to be and do what He has called you to do in the fields of
- Biblical Counseling
- Kingdom Coaching
- Christian Writing & Publishing, and (Karen)
- Food Process Systems Consulting (Fred)
Karen is the President of the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE @ ) and her greatest desire is to help you build confidence in the Lord to be who He has called you to be and do what He has called you to do! Let’s Cultivate #NACWEConfidence and #Godfidence in 2022!
by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Feb 1, 2022 | Blog, CHAYIL Series
You are God’s – A Woman of Valor!
I am God’s woman of valor. I wield my sword in battle!
You are God’s woman of valor. You wield your sword in battle!
Life changers! Game changers!
- Can you count on one hand the number of messages you’ve received that have actually changed your life and the way you live and work and minister to others? One hand – that’s about it for me, but OH MY!
- When was the last time you received that sort of message?
- What was that message?
- And have you passed it onto others?
- Please leave us a comment and share life-changing lessons!
A Woman of Valor!
In the dead of winter, outside, freezing my tushy off, during a week-long “no devices allowed” retreat with about 30 women, I was introduced to living and working from a place of rest to the true meanings of the words God and man and woman in Hebrew and how they relate, and to another Hebrew word to describe a woman of virtue and valor – Chayil.
From that time forward to today, it seems the Lord places this word and these precepts in front of me over and over again. He uses some of the most amazing Christian women friends and entrepreneurs on the planet to teach me and draw me closer to Him.
God, Man, Woman of Valor
Man: I learned that the three Hebrew letters that make up the word “man” indicate that he is vital, strong, a leader.
Woman: I learned that the three Hebrew letters that make up the word “woman” indicate that she is wise, passionate, an authority.
Two of those letters in each of these words are exactly the same.
One of those letters in each of these words is unique!
The two unique letters in the Hebrew words for man and woman, are the first two letters in the Hebrew name for God – “Yahweh”. He is Wisdom and Strength.
When you take these two unique letters in the Hebrew words for man and woman, the first two letters in the Hebrew name for God, out of the name for man and out of the name for woman – when you remove yourself from the presence of God, you are left with danger and consuming destruction: fire!
Strength without wisdom and vitality leads to brutality and bullying.
Wisdom without strength leads to uselessness and dumbing.
We need God’s wisdom and strength!
Chayil – Woman of Valor!
At the same retreat, I was introduced to the Hebrew word CHAYIL. Used in several places in the Bible, the first place of familiarity for me was Proverbs 31! And honestly, I had always looked on this woman as a conglomeration of women, for surely one woman could not accomplish all that she did! I thought of her as demure and passive maybe. Instead, she was dynamic, intelligent, and active. She orchestrated, planned, and nurtured.
The word Chayil (I found about 46 synonyms; I’ll share my favorites) actually means:
- Able
- Creative
- Defender
- Faithful
- Influencer
- Prayer
- Valorous
I could go on and on!
I don’t know about you, but I want some of that! I want someone to use all of those words to describe me!
A Woman of Valor Lives and Works from a Place of Rest
I went to this retreat at the suggestion of one of my licensed professional counselor intern/associate. I was explaining to her that I needed to rest and hear from the Lord.
I look like a woman at rest and peace!
It seems that everywhere I go for an extended conference or seminar or retreat, at least one woman walks up to me and comments about how peaceful and restful I am and tells me that she came to the event with some anxiety and was at peace because I was at peace. I usually shoot up an arrow prayer, asking, “Lord, do I tell her the truth about me?!“
More often than not, I may look like a duck skimming smoothly across a still pond, but underneath, if I am truthful, there’s a webbed footed, frantic storm going on. Looks can be deceiving!
Now, until I write more about living and working from a place of His rest, and what that has looked like for me, let me refer you to Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith’s book Sacred Rest: Recover your life, renew your energy, restore your sanity.
You are God’s woman of valor. You wield your sword in battle!
- Do you want to be wise and passionate, a woman of authority? I do!
- Do you want to be a woman of virtue and valor, a CHAYIL woman? I do too!
- Do you want to live and work from a place of God’s rest? I do too, again!
Join me and women of the RHEMA and the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs as we pray together on Monday mornings. Let us know how we can pray for you. Pray for us!
And learn along with us in this CHAYIL series!
That stands for Prayers and Pray-ers / Prayer Warriors!
#CHAYIL series
Prayer Call
Join us for Prayer every Monday morning at 9:30am – 10:00am CST. Matthew 26:40-41 says, Then Jesus returned to the disciples and found them sleeping. “Were you not able to keep watch with Me for one hour?” He asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
We have 2 options:
- By Phone via Free Conference Calling – Every Monday 9:30am – 10am CST – Prayer Calls can be accessed by dialing 1-712-775-8968 / conference code 620259
- Zoom in at
Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg

Karen started out in helping professions (Medical Technology, then Counseling) and quickly fell in love with the ins and outs of Entrepreneurship as she built her private practice and endeavors to 6-figures. She knows it can be lonely out here “on the entrepreneurial limb”! She knows what it takes to build community and to learn and network in an ever-changing field. She desires to pay-it-forward in a missional, working God’s way manner so others are blessed along the way!
She, along with husband Fred, is the Founder of RHEMA 3E Services @ . Their greatest desire is to Encourage, Empower & Equip you to be who God has called you to be and do what He has called you to do in the fields of
- Biblical Counseling
- Kingdom Coaching
- Christian Writing & Publishing, and (Karen)
- Food Process Systems Consulting (Fred)
Karen is the President of the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE @ ) and her greatest desire is to help you build confidence in the Lord to be who He has called you to be and do what He has called you to do! Let’s Cultivate #NACWEConfidence and #Godfidence in 2022!
by Karen Lindwall-Bourg | Oct 28, 2021 | Celebrate Life!, Entrepreneur Endeavors
Overwhelmed: Body, Soul & Spirit
Are You Overwhelmed?
Are you overwhelmed: body, soul and/or spirit? This morning we prayed specifically for you who are struggling. I don’t mean a general struggle because we all struggle daily, even moment by moment. We prayed for you who are seriously struggling, overwhelmed in body, soul AND spirit. I know what that feels like.
We pray for you; I pray for you daily! As I lift my family up to the Lord, I often lift you up as well.
Every Monday morning at 9:30 AM CST we pray together corporately. And you’re always welcome to join us on our Free Conference Calling call or in our zoom room. Check out our Events Page and our Calendar!
We are body, soul and spirit.
And we can be Overwhelmed in Body, Soul & Spirit
1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.“ ESV

Oftentimes we are attacked physically, soulfully, and spiritually all at once and it can be quite overwhelming to the point that
- instead of taking care of our physical bodies, we just wanna pull the covers over our heads and give in.
- in place of taking every thought captive, bringing our will under submission to God, checking our emotions and aligning them with God’s word, we just wanna give in to the pity party.
- in lieu of of crying out to the Lord and seeking His word, and asking others to pray for us, we just want to turn away and give up.
When Overwhelmed, Trust in God!
We are reading slowly through the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5.
Matthew 5:3
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

A few things stand out to me quite vividly!
To be blessed by God, means…
- To be blessed means so much more than we think it means. It means to be enriched, happy = with great happiness, fortunate, prosperous = with abundant goodness, delighted, content, even blissful! When’s the last time you felt blissful!?
- It implies to have the capacity to enjoy union and communion with God! When’s the last time you felt united with God?
- It also means God will not turn away from us or despise us; instead, He will like us, respect, admire, adore, and desire us as His own when we are poor in spirit! Have you forgotten that God loves you? How much He loves you?
- Most importantly, He is the one who gives us promises of power to fulfill all that He asks of us as He inwardly transforms our hearts by His grace; and HE does all this for us! Have you forgotten that the hardest work is HIS!? He isn’t asking you to do anything too hard. He has equipped you and will enable you to do what He asks!
- To be poor in spirit we have only one remedy – to trust in God and rely on Him for everything. We are to be humble and totally dependent on God for everything and to surrender completely to Him. Again, to trust only in Him! In what areas of your life (body, soul & spirit) do you need to trust in God, this moment, this day?
When you feel so overwhelmed, physically; soulfully with your mind, will, and emotions; and spiritually, don’t give in and don’t give up. Even if you feel like it’s just a baby step, step toward God; trust in Him.
When Overwhelmed, Remember God:
God gives you promises of power to fulfill all that He asks of you as He inwardly transforms your heart by His grace.

Overwhelmed woman celebrating, remembering God!
How do YOU take that baby step toward God when overwhelmed?
I cried out to Him and admitted I didn’t want to!
Then, I asked friends (NACWE sisters actually) to pray for me and miraculous healing happened!
I trusted God (even if on what I felt was a “small scale” or considered a baby step.
He met me there. He empowered me. He transformed me!
We Can Help!
This month we’re focusing on Leveling UP our Facebook & Instagram Lives, Reels & Stories.
Next month we’re focusing on Leveling UP our Blogging and Writing!
Now I’m encouraged to write a blog a week through the end of the year!
Yesterday, I wanted to crawl under a rock!
Today I want to conquer the world!
I pray the same empowering for you!
When we feel overwhelmed, remind us that You bless us. You want to enjoy communion with us. You love us. You give us promises of power to fulfill all that You ask of us and You inwardly transform our hearts by Your grace. Remind us to trust in You and rely on You for everything. Remind us to take even small steps toward you. Remind us to take even small steps to care for our physical body, our soul – mind will and emotions, and our spirit.
Thank you for making us poor in spirit and offering us Your kingdom of heaven!
In Jesus Christ’s Holy Name-
For more articles on Overwhelm:
Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg

- With God as my CEE = Chief Executive of Everything,
- National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs President
- CEO of RHEMA 3E Services (Enlightening, Encouraging & Equipping you through Counseling, Coaching, Writing & Publishing, Retreating, Consulting, and Commercial Property Leasing)