(from a recent interview – Karen was interviewed by Dr. Sharon Johnson of Comtivate C2M)
[During COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Spring 2020]
We’re all hunkered down (ooops, that’s a Texas/Southern term!) and living in uncertain times. And I don’t know about you, but one of the first things I did was look to my trusted leaders for community, encouragement, and wisdom. I looked to God’s Word, the Bible; to the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control (not wanting to get caught up in the media hype); to my husband, to my daughter (a Family Nurse Practitioner); to my coaches – the John Maxwell Team; and to my own team (because they will look to me for leadership and hold me accountable to lead well and they will be supportive and offer me wisdom in return).
In this series of Blogs, we will talk about:
- Why leadership and engagement are so important during uncertain times,
- What Christian leaders can and should do during uncertain times, and
- Some favorite Christian resources (Scriptures, quotes, books, podcasts, etc.); and we hope you’ll share your advice with us as well in the comments below!
Recommended Scripture & Resources for Christian Leaders During Uncertain Times
Here are some of my favorites.
Much of the Bible is filled with stories of lament and struggle and more importantly, overcoming adversity through God’s Presence and Power!
Consider Psalm 77:
God gives you words to say during uncertain times!
Are you crying, weary, troubled?
Asaph was too.
God gives you questions to ask during uncertain times!
Are you wondering where God is and what He’s doing?
Asaph was too.
God reminds you Who He is during uncertain times!
Are you needing to hear, over and over, God is a God who works wonders?
Asaph was too.
Psalm 77 English Standard Version (ESV) In the Day of Trouble I Seek the Lord To the choirmaster: according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph.
God gives you words to say during uncertain times!
Are you crying, weary, troubled?
Asaph was too.
77 I cry aloud to God,
aloud to God, and he will hear me.
2 In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord;
in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;
my soul refuses to be comforted.
3 When I remember God, I moan;
when I meditate, my spirit faints. Selah
4 You hold my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
5 I consider the days of old,
the years long ago.
6 I said,[a] “Let me remember my song in the night;
let me meditate in my heart.”
God gives you questions to ask during uncertain times!
Are you wondering where God is and what He’s doing?
Asaph was too.
Then my spirit made a diligent search:
7 “Will the Lord spurn forever,
and never again be favorable?
8 Has his steadfast love forever ceased?
Are his promises at an end for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has he in anger shut up his compassion?” Selah
God reminds you Who He is during uncertain times!
Are you needing to hear, over and over, God is a God who works wonders?
Asaph was too.
10 Then I said, “I will appeal to this,
to the years of the right hand of the Most High.”[b]
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
12 I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds.
13 Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?
14 You are the God who works wonders;
you have made known your might among the peoples.
15 You with your arm redeemed your people,
the children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah
16 When the waters saw you, O God,
when the waters saw you, they were afraid;
indeed, the deep trembled.
17 The clouds poured out water;
the skies gave forth thunder;
your arrows flashed on every side.
18 The crash of your thunder was in the whirlwind;
your lightnings lighted up the world;
the earth trembled and shook.
19 Your way was through the sea,
your path through the great waters;
yet your footprints were unseen.[c]
20 You led your people like a flock
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Matthew 11
Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest
25 At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; 26 yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. 27 All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Jesus Invites Everyone to Come
[added from footnotes – I love this translation’s research (again, I’m a “knowledge junkie”)]
25 Then Jesus exclaimed, “Father, thank you, for you are Lord, the Supreme Ruler over heaven and earth! And you have hidden the great revelation of your authority from those who are proud and wise in their own eyes. Instead, you have shared it with these who humble themselves. 26 Yes, Father, your plan delights your heart, as you’ve chosen this way to extend your kingdom—by giving it to those who have become like trusting children. 27 You have entrusted me with all that you are and all that you have. No one fully and intimately knows the Son except the Father. And no one fully and intimately knows the Father except the Son. But the Son is able to unveil the Father to anyone he chooses.
28 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me.[o] Many times Jesus said, “Come after (follow) me,” but only here does he say, “Come to me.” See Ex. 33:14; Matt. 23:4.
I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.[p] 29 Simply join your life with mine.[q] Or “Bend your neck to my yoke.” The metaphor of a yoke is that it joins two animals to work as one. It is not simply work or toil that is the focus here, but union with Christ. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle,[r] “tranquil” or “peaceful.” humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.[s] The Aramaic could be translated “Come to me and I will cheer [refresh] you. I am cheerful [refreshing] and humble in heart, and you will find cheer [refreshing] for your soul.” 30 For all that I require of you will be pleasant[t] “kind” (or “delightful”). and easy to bear.”[u] Ps. 55:22.
The Passion Translation (TPT)
The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. thePassionTranslation.com
“Even in the midst of these uncertain times, your God-given Calling has not changed; has not been re-Called!” Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg
C.S. Lewis
[bold mine]
“This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”
— “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948) in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays
John Maxwell
He has had a lot to say about leading through crises these last few weeks. He has encouraged us to put people first, educate ourselves with the truth, be flexible, leverage our team to minister to other people, communicate judiciously, and be authentic.
He reminded us that crisis is common, we’ve come through crises before; crisis is distracting and we have to keep moving forward instead of pulling away; crises help to ground and strengthen – they can “make us or break us“ and we get to choose; crises require adaptability during uncertainty; and during crises real leaders need to show up and be visible, with confidence, and lead by example always being clear about Hope even when we don’t have all the answers.
What I really loved was at the end of one of his talks he asked this question which I ask you now:
“What are some positive changes you want to see in your life right now?” Because the only way that tomorrow is going to get better is if we make some changes and grow today!
The Bible
Anything by John Maxwell – especially his Leadership Bible
Anything by Shae Bynes and her team at Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur – especially Grace Over Grind
When you need light and clean laughter… Christian Comedians like Michael, Jr., Tim Hawkins, Anita Renfroe
Worship Music that is uplifting and instills peace and truth like Hillsong, Keith & Kristin Getty, lean toward your favorites as long as they align with God’s Word and Truth
Prayers like The Trauma Prayer are so healing:
Community -When you need a Nurturing, Active, group of like-minded Christian Women Entrepreneurs whose goals are to provide Community, Networking, Education and Missions opportunities – join the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE) on Facebook http://facebook.com/groups/NACWEFreedom / our Website http://nacwe.org Once you’ve gotten to know us, we hope you’ll consider joining our more Intimate and Elite Group as well. NACWE was established in 2010 and has served thousands of women across the United States AND the world!
Coaching & Writing -When you need small group Coaching/Masterminds and/or Individual Coaching with opportunities for trips, retreats, VIP Days and more to achieve extraordinary levels of success worth celebrating, join Me / Dr. Karen Website http://karenbourg.com/work-with-me I’ve been coaching since about 2007 when I opened a Private Practice Marriage and Family Therapy/Biblical Counseling Practice and realized to grow took a whole lot more than “when you build it, they will come”! It took knowing how to run a business/ministry God’s Way!
Conference -Also, we hope you’ll consider joining us for our ANNUAL Conference “Working God’s Way” north of Dallas September 18-19, 2020. Our keynote Speaker will be Shae Bynes, Co-Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur and the Author of Grace Over Grind. https://nacwe.org/savethedate2020conference/
Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”
*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies http://karenbourg.com
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network http://nacwe.org
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House http://rhemapublishinghouse.com
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center https://www.facebook.com/rhemaretreat/
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates http://rhemacounseling.com
About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at http://nacwe.org . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
· Community
· Networking
· Education
· Missions
opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 11 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at http://karenbourg.com.