Pray Over and Through Your Writing Projects

Welcome to the What Are You Writing For? And what are you waiting for! Series © in the Confident to Write Alliance ©

My heart overflows with a good theme;
I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Psalm 45:1, NASB

Prayer can profoundly enhance your confidence in writing. Prayer also deepens your relationship with the Lord throughout the creative writing process.

Seeking God’s guidance and inspiration in your ministry through writing can be incredibly uplifting and ought to ensure you’re on the path God has chosen for you so that there are less stops and starts. I hate those stops and starts!

Are you praying over your writing projects?

Start your writing sessions with prayer, asking God for clarity and inspiration and direction. As you pray, the Lord reminds you to listen in moments of silence to hear Him and to allow Him to speak into your heart and mind about your ministry through writing. Hearing leads to confidence and believing; believing leads to courage and obedience; and obedience produces results. You are to seek His wisdom and understanding. (James 1:5) As you write, He reminds you to trust His plan; after all, it is a plan filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

You are to ask the Lord if your writing aligns with His purpose and seek His blessing over what you have created.  Then dedicate your work and your writing to the Lord. Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us that whatever we do, we should work heartily, “as for the Lord“ rather than for men. Your reward is more of the Lord and His inheritance for you!

Praying over and through your writing results in confidence and clarity and peace. Your ministry, especially your call to write, can be stressful at times. He encourages you not to be anxious, but to bring your requests before him in prayer. His peace will guard your heart as you write! Your words will bless the Lord and bless others!

Here are 3 Thoughts as You Pray Over and Through Your Writing Projects

  1. Prepare to Pray: Over the years as I have walked my clients through the Purposeful Planning process, as I was reading through the book of Isaiah, I discovered that Isaiah first prepared to pray, then prayed as he prepared to do what God had called him to do. Before he prays that God will grant mercy in their time of distress, he first remembers the Lord’s loving kindness and compassion. (Isaiah 63 & 64) Aspah did the same thing in Psalm 77. I too often just jump in with my lament or requests without setting my heart right before the Lord and remembering Who He is and what He has done! Set your heart before the Lord first, remembering His Presence in the past, then pray over your next steps! 
  2. Pray to Write – Now, pray over the plans and tasks set before you to serve the Lord and those He has placed before you. God promises established steps when we seek His direction (Psalm 37:23) Pray also for your readers – that your message will draw them closer to the Lord and enhance their service to Him and to those He has placed before them. (Ephesians 6:19-20) Pray over your plans and words and pray for those who will receive them!
  3. Meditate further – Don’t stop with that first prayer of your workday. Meditate on His Words to you as you sought Him throughout the whole day and into the night! (Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2) I don’t know about you, but for me this requires journaling and keeping my journal close throughout the day. Keep at it! The Lord will continue to reveal new insights and will continue to establish your steps! 


Prepare to pray, pray over, and meditate on the inspired words written that enhance your ministry. Meditate on His Words and His ways. Thank Him for His confidence, clarity and the resulting blessings received through your words.

Click here to find help writing “all the things“ and “everything in between“ as you serve the Lord.



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Previous: What Are You Waiting For! / Next: Purposefully Plan Your Writing Projects


Blessed to Write with Confidence,
