Overwhelmed: Body, Soul & Spirit

Are You Overwhelmed?

Are you overwhelmed: body, soul and/or spirit? This morning we prayed specifically for you who are struggling. I don’t mean a general struggle because we all struggle daily, even moment by moment. We prayed for you who are seriously struggling, overwhelmed in body, soul AND spirit. I know what that feels like. 

We pray for you; I pray for you daily! As I lift my family up to the Lord, I often lift you up as well.

Every Monday morning at 9:30 AM CST we pray together corporately. And you’re always welcome to join us on our Free Conference Calling call or in our zoom room. Check out our Events Page and our Calendar


        We are body, soul and spirit.

       And we can be Overwhelmed in Body, Soul & Spirit

1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.“ ESV


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Oftentimes we are attacked physically, soulfully, and spiritually all at once and it can be quite overwhelming to the point that


  • instead of taking care of our physical bodies, we just wanna pull the covers over our heads and give in.
  • in place of taking every thought captive, bringing our will under submission to God, checking our emotions and aligning them with God’s word, we just wanna give in to the pity party.
  • in lieu of of crying out to the Lord and seeking His word, and asking others to pray for us, we just want to turn away and give up.


       When Overwhelmed, Trust in God!

We are reading slowly through the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5. 


Matthew 5:3 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 


A few things stand out to me quite vividly!

       To be blessed by God, means…

  • To be blessed means so much more than we think it means. It means to be enriched, happy = with great happiness, fortunate, prosperous = with abundant goodness, delighted, content, even blissful! When’s the last time you felt blissful!?
  • It implies to have the capacity to enjoy union and communion with God! When’s the last time you felt united with God?
  • It also means God will not turn away from us or despise us; instead, He will like us, respect, admire, adore, and desire us as His own when we are poor in spirit! Have you forgotten that God loves you? How much He loves you?
  • Most importantly, He is the one who gives us promises of power to fulfill all that He asks of us as He inwardly transforms our hearts by His grace; and HE does all this for us! Have you forgotten that the hardest work is HIS!? He isn’t asking you to do anything too hard. He has equipped you and will enable you to do what He asks! 
  • To be poor in spirit we have only one remedy – to trust in God and rely on Him for everything. We are to be humble and totally dependent on God for everything and to surrender completely to Him. Again, to trust only in Him! In what areas of your life (body, soul & spirit) do you need to trust in God, this moment, this day?


When you feel so overwhelmed, physically; soulfully with your mind, will, and emotions; and spiritually, don’t give in and don’t give up. Even if you feel like it’s just a baby step, step toward God; trust in Him. 


       When Overwhelmed, Remember God:

God gives you promises of power to fulfill all that He asks of you as He inwardly transforms your heart by His grace.

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Overwhelmed woman celebrating, remembering God!

How do YOU take that baby step toward God when overwhelmed?

I cried out to Him and admitted I didn’t want to!

Then, I asked friends (NACWE sisters actually) to pray for me and miraculous healing happened!

I trusted God (even if on what I felt was a “small scale” or considered a baby step.

He met me there. He empowered me. He transformed me!


       We Can Help!

This month we’re focusing on Leveling UP our Facebook & Instagram Lives, Reels & Stories.

Next month we’re focusing on Leveling UP our Blogging and Writing!

Now I’m encouraged to write a blog a week through the end of the year!

Yesterday, I wanted to crawl under a rock!

Today I want to conquer the world!

I pray the same empowering for you!



When we feel overwhelmed, remind us that You bless us. You want to enjoy communion with us. You love us. You give us promises of power to fulfill all that You ask of us and You inwardly transform our hearts by Your grace. Remind us to trust in You and rely on You for everything. Remind us to take even small steps toward you. Remind us to take even small steps to care for our physical body, our soul – mind will and emotions, and our spirit.

Thank you for making us poor in spirit and offering us Your kingdom of heaven!

In Jesus Christ’s Holy Name-


       For more articles on Overwhelm:


Dr. Karen Lindwall-Bourg

  • With God as my CEE = Chief Executive of Everything,
  • National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs President https://nacwe.org
  • CEO of RHEMA 3E Services (Enlightening, Encouraging & Equipping you through Counseling, Coaching, Writing & Publishing, Retreating, Consulting, and Commercial Property Leasing) https://rhema3eservices.com