The Naked Entrepreneur

In the movie Dances with Wolves, Lt. John Dunbar arrives at his post on the American frontier ready to work diligently, only to find it abandoned with no explanation.

He sets up camp and encounters his first Sioux Indians, who come upon him while he’s bathing in the stream (totally exposed, totally unprepared). Sioux children try (unsuccessfully) to steal his horse, Sioux warriors try (unsuccessfully) to steal his horse—he has a really smart horse!—and he tries (unsuccessfully) to defend himself and ends up with a concussion.

In Chapter 5: The Naked Soldier, about 50 minutes into the movie, we see him cleaning his uniform and polishing his brass and his boots, preparing to take action.

Dunbar writes in his journal, “I realize now that I have been wrong. All this time I have been waiting. Waiting for what? For someone to find me? For Indians to take my horse? To see a buffalo? Since I have arrived at this post, I have been walking on eggs. It has become a bad habit and I am sick of it. Tomorrow morning, I will ride out to the Indians. I do not know the outcome or the wisdom of this thinking, but I have become a target and a target makes a poor impression. I am through waiting.”


Well, fellow entrepreneur, let’s truthfully and boldly answer some of the same questions:

What are you waiting for? _____________________________________________________________

For clients/customers to find you?  For someone to take over and do the work for you?  To see if your strategy will work for someone else?

In what ways are you “walking on egg [shells]”?  ___________________________________________

Are you waiting to write that blog/newsletter, pick up the phone, meet someone for coffee, or tell someone about your services and products?

What bad habits have you established?  _________________________________________________

Are you neglecting to schedule your work day/power hour? Are you doing everything else first, leaving your business for the last part of your day?

What are you sick of?  ______________________________________________________________

Attitudes? Actions?


I am through waiting! My 50 minutes are up! How about you?


What will you do “tomorrow morning” or right now?  ______________________________________

Without knowing “the outcome or the wisdom of this thinking,” how will you change your waiting, ways, habits, or sickness?


Take action—do one next right thing— and then tell us what it is and encourage another innovator to follow suit!

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”  Colossians 3:23-24 (See also, Ephesians 6:7; Proverbs 16:3)

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us in to action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” —Zig Ziglar


Karen Lindwall-Bourg

“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”