Be Strong and Courageous So You Will Have Success

Be Strong and Courageous “…SO that you will have success wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7

Be Strong and Courageous


Do you feel strong and courageous?

As a wife, mother, Nana, Christian Woman Entrepreneur wearing many hats – counselor, coach, author, publisher – sometimes I do; sometimes I don’t.

How about you?

I’m reading through Joshua in the Bible. In the very first chapter we understand that Moses has died, and Joshua will take his place as the leader of Israel. Two things happen in this first chapter:

-God commissions and encourages Joshua

-Joshua assumes command and prepares the people to enter the promised land.

Yikes! Those are tremendously tall orders for someone who just took over!



Be Strong and Courageous So You Will Have Success – God provides so we can be strong and courageous:


I love the fact, and must be reminded quite often, that God has provided everything I need to do all He has called me to do!

I often feel overwhelmed or tired or distressed and immediately assume that I don’t have everything I need to do what God has called me to do. I assume there just aren’t enough hours in the day or that I am not skilled enough or some other such lie!


In the 1st chapter of Joshua God states,

-“I have given you every place where the soul of your foot treads…” Verse 3

-“I promised…” V3

-“I will be with you…” V5

-“I will not leave you or abandon you.” V5

-“I swore to your fathers to give them an inheritance.” V6

-“…the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” V9

-“Certainly, the Lord your God will be with you…” V17

Lots of promises here! The Lord encourages us and reminds us that He is with us.


Be Strong and Courageous So you Will Have Success – I have a responsibility to be strong and courageous:I didn’t grow up in churches that, as far as I can recall from my youth, taught that God was sovereign. The first explanations of His sovereignty opened my eyes, filled my heart, and solidified my faith like no other lessons before or since!

In this 1st chapter of Joshua, God explains that because of who HE is, I am encouraged and can be strong and courageous. I will “have success where ever I go,” not because of my own might or my own skill, but because of God’s promises. It is my responsibility to be obedient to the whole instruction of God and to “meditate on it day and night” and “carefully observe everything written in it.” V8 If I am obedient, only then will I prosper and succeed in whatever I do. Only then will I be strong and courageous.




Step 1: Observe and meditate on God’s word day and night!

Step 2: Carefully record and stand firmly on His promises.

Step 3: Be strong and courageous!

Step 4: Boldly take the next right step. You DO know what that is!


Let’s Be Strong and Courageous together!





Building Community (you are not alone) and Providing Education (weekly) and Paying it Forward with the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs.