Alex’s Tips for Organizing Your Week; Let’s Organize!
Christian Women Entrepreneurs! Let’s organize!
Our word of the year in 2018 is implement!
Our word of the month for January 2018 is organized! Let’s organize!
How are you doing so far?
This is how my coach, Alex, gets organized! I hope some of these tips will help you as they have helped me!
He uses a program called Workflowy. Of course, it doesn’t matter what you use as long as it works for you!
The critical point is, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” (Benjamin Franklin)
- Alex believes that under each of your most important work categories you should have no more than 3 to 5 important tasks. Let’s organize!
- Like so many others, he recommends attending to the MIT’s first = that’s the “most important things!”
- Unlike so many others, Alex recommends planning tomorrow today. We are reading through the book, The 12 Week Year, this quarter as a group in the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE). I hope you’re joining us! The authors of this book recommend starting your week with about 30 minutes to look at the overview of your week and your day and then starting each day with about 15 minutes to gain an overview of and prioritize your day. This has been working well for me! Instead, Alex recommends that you spend the last working 15 minutes of your day planning and prioritizing tomorrow so that when you wake you will be refreshed and the plan will be on your mind. You will be more likely to implement (there’s our word of the year again) your plan! Let’s organize!
- He also ends the day journaling in a manner that he calls “reflect and Project.” He reflects on his day and how he felt about his day and projects to tomorrow his visions and dreams and plans. He also sends an “end of the day report” to his team so they know what he’s done and what needs to be done next!

I’m going to try it!
How about you?
- Alex says, “You should never be reactive, you should always be proactive!” When an unplanned call or request comes in, he doesn’t answer it unless it’s critical. He puts it into a category he calls “inbound” and attends to it later. He only looks through his emails on Mondays and Thursdays! His coaching clients know that that’s when he’s going to look through his email and they’ve gotten used to it! He is available to them daily in the Facebook Group! Let’s organize!
- He plans his year. He then reverse engineers that year to plan his first 90 days. He looks at that 90 day plan, then plans his first month. He then plans week number one of that month and makes lists for that week categorized by the day of the week. Once that’s done, he doesn’t spend much time looking at the plan for the year or the plan for the quarter. He focuses mostly on the plan for that month, that particular week, and then buckles down to the tasks for the day at hand. In this way Alex feels he doesn’t waste as much time as he used to “replanning.” This one really hit home for me! I can spend so much time reviewing my plans and tasks on my to do list, that I have a hard time buckling down to the “most important things!”
How about you? What works for you? What new ideas will you implement from Alex’s way! Let’s organize!
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- Ask for a copy of our new 2018 Purposeful Planner! Let’s organize!
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Many Blessings,