Scripture Sufficiently Stands
“What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical?”
When the counseling process recognizes the Bible as SUFFICIENT and needs NO INTEGRATION! Do not wed the Truth from the Word of God with the truth of secular psychology. Because of the nouetic effect of sin [noese = mind], sins affect our ability to think and reason. Under common grace there are certain things than don’t have to be proven. Counseling doesn’t usually deal with these things.
Biblical Counseling deals with the HEART (not ranked behaviors). We cannot derive subjective truth about what is going on in our or someone else’s HEART apart from the sufficient Bible! Do you believe in the doctrine of the sufficiency of the Bible? We are in a battle for the Bible. If the Bible majors on it – that’s what I’m going to major on in the counseling room!
Scripture Gives Confidence
“What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical?”
When the counseling process can be derived and understood by any growing believer. This knowledge is available to everyone, not just the counselor, resulting in increased confidence on the part of qualified believers. Don’t depreciate His sufficient Word!

Scripture Perfectly Equips
When counseling is “elastic“ enough to grow with the counselor’s understanding of Scripture.
– notes from Dr. Steve Viars/NANC Training
Originally Published on Rhema Counseling Associates