THINK HEALTHY! 6 Questions to Find Out if You are as Healthy as You Think!

When questions arise about how you can THINK HEALTHY, consider all the areas of your life (body, soul, and spirit) where you can improve your whole health.


THINK HEALTHY! Health is more than fitness! 

All of us reach a certain point when we ask ourselves, “Am I healthy?” Brought on by age, fitness level, watching someone suffer because ill health, or simply feeling tired at the end of the day challenge our thoughts about being healthy.

There is so much more to health than if we can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded or if we are eating enough good food. From a Christian perspective, we are not one dimensional beings. We have a physical body, but, we also have a soul and a spirit. So let’s consider all 3 dimensions of wellness here!



Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23


We are referring to the physical body (soma in the Greek). This includes all muscles, bones, and fat; and comprises all the tangible matter that make up our person down to the smallest components, like our DNA. This is our body and it FIRST belongs to God.


Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Because our body belongs to God we are to honor our physical body by taking care of it.



Consider these questions:


Question One: Are you moving?

This does not need to be an intensive daily workout. Moving can mean parking farther away from the door, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a walk after dinner. Movement in order to take care of your body honors the temple of God that is your body.


Have you made moving and fitness an idol? An idol is simply something you consider more important than your relationship with God or more important than the things God has asked you to do.

Dedicate your workouts and your body to God. It’s not about how you want the temple to look. It is about what God wants you to do with His temple!


Question Two: What is the state of your environment?

So often overlooked, our homes are part of the fitness of our body. Is your home safe physically, emotionally and spiritually? Safety in a home is about cleanliness, organization and mood. Being able to rest your body without concern of getting sick is part of temple health. Consider the stress you would feel if you tried to sleep in an environment where you were concerned bugs would crawl on you when you closed your eyes. Not a restful kind of sleep! Lack of good sleep is highly detrimental to overall health. And a strife filled home prevents adequate rest of any kind.



And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7


The soul is the part of a person which needs rescue. Your soul encompasses our mind, our will and our emotions. Our soul is our ‘heart.’ Our soul is the part of us that is the decision maker and buffer between what our fleshly body wants and what the Spirit of God in us wants.


For example, you need to go out and take care of the yard. Your body is tired and it’s been a long week. Your body is telling you stay in your comfy chair and watch TV. The Spirit of God in you is reminding you this is the only time you have, plus you have determined to be a better steward with all God has given you. Your soul (mind, will, and emotions) steps in and makes the decision. Hopefully!


When considering the health of your soul ask these questions:


Question Three: What are you feeling?

It may seem like a silly sort of question but many people don’t feel their feelings. They stuff their emotions down and don’t really experience them. Emotions are given by God in order for us to act and grow. Emotions help us choose our behavior. Emotions help us know what we need to take to God and how to respond to other people. Experiencing your feelings in a healthy way that lines up with the Word of God is part of being healthy.


Question Four: What are you thinking?

Simply put, are you getting the intellectual stimulation you need. All humans need a level of intellectual challenge. The range is vast on what is challenging, such as a thought-provoking movie or a Sudoku puzzle or an engaging conversation with a friend. Participating in some intellectually stimulating activity is healthy.

Are your thoughts in line with God’s thoughts?

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8

Making sure we know God’s ways and His thoughts should lead to our ways and thoughts being more like His; and that is a healthy position!



For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being. Romans 7:22


The spirit is an essential part of our being. It is the most holy part of you because it is indwelt by the Spirit of God. Our spirit needs attention just like our soul and our body. It is the interaction with and health of our spirit which most affects our mood and the peace of our soul.


Taking care of our spirit can be pretty simple:


Question Five: Are you connecting?

You are not designed to live life alone. You are designed for relationship. This means you need to connect with other God and with others. Meaningful connections are essential to overall health. In order to connect with another person you have to be willing to be vulnerable and talk about what matters to you. This includes conversations with God.


Question Six: Are you praying?

Prayer is just a conversation with God. Yes, a conversation, a back and forth interaction between you and the Almighty. Prayer has been scientifically studied and proven to enhance health and wellness. Scientists don’t have good explanations for it. But we, believers, have the inside scoop! Prayer is healthy. Prayer is a hotline for health and wellness.


When questions arise about how you can THINK HEALTHY, consider all the areas of your life where you can improve your health. For more insight into how to THINK HEALTHY, check out my book from  RHEMA Counseling Associates, Wellness: The Awareness of the Whole Individual on Amazon!



Karen Lindwall-Bourg
“Achieve Levels of Success Worth Celebrating”

*Founder, Karen Bourg Companies
*Owner, President {Inter}National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs/International Christian Mompreneur Network
*Founder, RHEMA Publishing House
*Founder, RHEMA Lakeside Retreat Center
*Founder, RHEMA Counseling Associates

About Karen Lindwall-Bourg
Karen Lindwall-Bourg is the President of the {Inter} National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs [est. May 2010] and the new President of the International Christian Mompreneur Network [est. July 2010], both at . She and the NACWE Operations and Leadership Teams work diligently to provide
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opportunities to Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs and Nanapreneurs alike all over the world!
Our Core Values are
· Community – we value Connection, Collaboration and Contribution
· Networking – we value Nurture, New relationships and New and innovative offers
· Education – we value Encouragement, Excellence and Expressiveness, and
· Missions – we value Ministry and Making a difference
Karen is wife to Fred, Mommy to 6 kids and 5 in-loves, Nana to “going-on” 12 grandchildren, and treat provider deluxe for a herd of Great Pyrenees who protect their north TX ranch! She is an entrepreneur coach, author, publisher, retreat hostess and more! Learn more about Mastermind groups and “Celebration” coaching with Karen at